








Laundry Detergents (powder & Tab)


Laundry Detergents (powder & Tab)


Laundry detergents are cleaning agents which make it possible to get rid of all dirt and bacteria on our clothes and keep our hygiene in check. Laundry detergents can come in two types, liquid and powdered. Powdered laundry detergent offers convenience and health beneficial services for your household.

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Laundry detergents (powder & tab)

Product description

Ever since humans started wearing clothes there has been a method of cleaning laundry. In this day and age almost every household owns a washing machine and it has become a staple laundry care item all around the world. Laundry detergents come hand in hand with washing machines. These products are cleaning agents which make it possible to get rid of all dirt and bacteria on our clothes and keep our hygiene in check. Laundry detergents can come in two types, liquid and powdered. Powdered detergent is one of the most purchased products in the world and especially in Asia, Africa and Europe. Powdered laundry detergent offers convenience and health beneficial services and life without this product would be unimaginable.

Market insight and private label potential on the market

The global market for laundry detergent has been witnessing great success and increase in sales and consumer demand and especially the powdered detergent product. With rapid urbanization and increase in households owning washing machines, powdered detergents have become a top priority among consumers who are looking for affordable yet high quality products to wash their laundry.
Laundry detergents in powder shape are especially prominent and popular on the European and Asian markets, having over 60% of all global powder production happen on these regions. Private label brands have a lot of potential to capitalize on the growing popularity of powder laundry detergents and create opportunities on the market. Currently national brands are the leading contributors of these products but private label brands are witnessing a large increase in consumer demand and preference.

Private label services and benefits