








Cooking & Frying Fats


Cooking & Frying Fats


Most preparation of food, fried or cooked, needs the addition of cooking oil or fat. Cooking oils can also be a great addition to salads as a dressing, and they don’t need to be heated or cooked. Cooking oils are available for purchase everywhere, in most grocery stores and retail markets.

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Cooking & frying fats

Cooking oil or fat industry

Cooking oils are essential for most cooked or dried foods. These oils or fats are widely consumed and sold in almost every store. Since they are such an essential use they are in high demand among consumer and they sell pretty quickly. Name brands and established premium brands of cooking or frying oils have filled all grocery store shelves. However, they are facing competition with the large and ever-growing private label brands. It is inevitable that private label cooking oils will see further growth and success, with the overall growth of the private label market in the world.

Cooking oil or fat uses

These frying or cooking oils are usually plant, animal, or synthetic that is essential for frying, baking, and other types of cooking. The consumption and distribution of these types of oils is worldwide and they are pretty common in most world diets. The most sold and consumed types of cooking oils are usually saturated fats, like coconut or palm oil. Types of cooking oils can include saturated, unsaturated and trans-fat. Common types include from plant sources are olive oil, palm oil, soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, peanut oil and other vegetable oils. Animal-based oils can be butter and lard.

Consumer demand and new developments